Saturday, February 12, 2011

Leg repair, final step

After smoothing and priming and letting sit over night he was ready to paint. Grey is not my forte but I think he ended up with an acceptable matching leg. After some dry time I will seal the leg with Krylon and he should be (almost) good as new. (I'm glad its the non show side leg). Of course its best if it never happens at all, it is a rare thing for me to break something, but at least I can fix it :)


  1. I'm good at fixing but the paint matching part often gets the best of me. You did a great job!

  2. Thanks all, I ended up going back and forth several times before I was satisfied. If it would have been bay or chestnut it would have been much easier! I was so worried Id completely mess him up.

    Hey Jen, I might need some hints on fixing up a hunt saddle I am getting. It could use new stirrup leathers, but I dont know what to use to get the right size holes in the leather, tell me there some common household object you use :) (its small trad in scale)

  3. Oh, that's an easy one--use a good quality, metal tip mechanical pencil and a mallet. Or, send it to me and I'll fix it up for you!

  4. Ah see I knew there was some trick, I must have one around here somewhere. Hey if I cant get it to look decent I am totally taking you up on that offer!
