Sunday, August 14, 2011


Had a little spare time today and the urge to paint so I finished up 2 pieces that have been sitting patiently waiting for eyes, hooves etc for a while now. Unfortunately the 3rd piece I was working on I slipped and got black paint in a bad spot and will have to go back in with the airbrush next time its out.

Finally done, just needs a name, will debut in Nov at CCR in WI, as I am going to judge OFs. OTW I dont know when I would get to a show in the near or distant future.
Only copy of this medallion I have otherwise I was thinking about selling, showing Diva so much this year has really messed with my budget!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why its been a month since I posted...

and worked on models....
 been showing the heck out of my mare this year, our new saddle is so much more comfy for both of us and we have even started doing a little western pleasure again.

and then I decided we needed one more class to do:

I whipped this up in less than 2 weeks with stuff I had at home and $100 worth of supplies, some from ebay and thrift stores. It debuts tomrrow, unfortunately a main part of my costume I was going to make I did not get something from ebay I needed in time despite it being one of the first things I bought nearly 2 weeks ago :) But the show will go on. To see more about the costume check out my other blog: