Thursday, April 21, 2011

Playing dress up

Sealer is drying on the morgan, the foal may or may not get finished. In the meantime I was looking at the class list for next weekend trying to decide if I could swing just a couple performance classes, with no tack changes, while judging OF and showing clinkies. hmmmmm (maybe with some help :) )

So I decided to see what looked good on the smutty palomino Roxy, which lead to this....

Top one, is a combo of a pale mint green and peach. Ive used on paler dilutes/duns with much sucess (tho not in a while hence the messy fringe) But I think it might be too pale for this dark of a palomino. So then I tried earthtones. The dark oil wear leathers dont match the saddle but the match the chaps. Looks ok but not eye catching?

Then I got lazy with the last 2 wp dolls I own. The pale blue which has a beautiful matching pad and bridle with blue accents that I didnt swap out, nothing saying WOW here either.  (and pardon her hat, the bow seems to be in the way all of a sudden). The dark blue (her hat is somewhere around here), maybe, adds more color, doesnt sit as well (not that I tried real hard), I have a blue and white pad that would go nice.



  1. I'm no performance expert, but from a totally lay-man's aesthetic view I like the second picture best. I agree that the light chaps are too light and I like the accent on the saddle pad too.

  2. That doll does sit the best, custom legs. I'll see what a darker saddle looks like with her. I definitely have more saddles than dolls (kinda like in real life, I have 5 saddles for one horse! granted 2 are for sale, but then I will get a dressage saddle and be at 4 for one horse (english, dressage, western show saddle, tucker trail saddle :) )

  3. Second one. The coloration goes better with the horse.
