Thursday, December 30, 2010

Aashiq in progress and updates

I finally got my Aashiq in progress. I havent touched him since but with the weather we are scheduled for the next few days I will have some studio time for sure!
Other updates, commission spots available.
I am also looking to trade paint slots for the following unpainted resins:

Eberl Azham

Boguki Pipsqueak or  Warchant

 SMB Oliver, Elsie, Daffyd, Stormwatch, Vixen, Imp, Pixie

Rose Working Girl, Jezebel, Reiner

Friday, December 10, 2010

Decorating for Christmas

Christmas Bazaar that is (and no thats not a slam on my decorations, in fact I have no decorations up, too much work!). Next Friday there is an employee craft bazaar put on by a co-worker. I would have never even considered attending but well any chance for some extra cash! I know expensive customs will not sell there. I am bringing a couple long finished SMs and such, nothing over $100. But mostly I will be bringing ornaments and deco SMs, some horse themed greeting cards and a few misc other crafty things. It may not be worth my time but you never know! I will use it as a way to promote the hobby a bit in general as well. In fact the word is out now about this bizarre hobby of ours with my new work group, pix just dont do it so I will have to bring in an example sometime. Too bad it wasnt planned sooner, I could have offered some simple portrait horses or something, that might have sold.

 Here are some of my horses of a different color in progress peices, now if I could just find the beads I used LAST year Id be all set....

Friday, December 3, 2010

Recently finished and FOR SALE

Had planned on  keeping but got a little carried away with xmas shopping lately :) 5% off if you mention you saw this sale on the blog :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

CCR show results

Phew what a long day that was, up at 5:30, show was fast and furious with a huge number of huge classes with only 2 judges double judging 2 divisions at once. I knew it would be a long show but was shocked and exhausted as we pulled out at 9:10 pm and hit the road back to MN. We should have been home around 2, decided to stop for sit down food so maybe 2:30. An hour or so from home the interstate was closed due to freezing rain making the roads super icy. Tons of cars in the ditch. No hotel at that exit so our only option was to hang out in the truck in the WalMart parking lot in 30 degree weather for about an hour and a half. We finally were let back on lightly salted roads that were still slick so going no faster than 40 we crawled the rest of the way up the interstate getting home at 5:00 AM!

Street and sidewalks were so icy you could hardly walk but the models had to be unloaded! I still havent recovered my sleep or my aching muscles from that one. And oh joy looks to be similar weather for Thanksgiving.

Anyway on to results and pix. I missed getting pix of a few of my pieces that did well and havent yet taken all their finished pictures but I got most of them.

Pieces by me:
not pictured: my new palo mustang baby got 2nd under both judges for halter, didnt have the camera out yet for that one, too busy first thing in the morning!

the SM reiner got a 5th under one judge, nothing under the other, same story with the Appy ISH
Roxy got a 3rd under one judge
Grulla classic QH got 4th under both

slightly older pieces that NANd included my Stormwatch, Lonestar and Nevada

now for the better results:


 Pieces by others: (NANs only pictured)